Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! (skip unless you like to hear me complain)

Gavin won't eat. He used to eat anything I made for him: avocado-wheat germ-squash-yogurt, banana-zucchini-oatmeal-sweet potato...whatever combo I set before him, he ate. Now he turns his nose up at just about everything. Tonight I even made the creamiest, ooziest, cheesiest broccoli-tuna-mac and cheese ever, from scratch. (OK, I am not much of a chef so the 'from scratch' is noteworthy...although I didn't actually make the pasta) and he only ate a few bites. Earlier I broke down and bought one of those Gerber Graduates ravioli meals, thinking that surely he would bite. Nope. I thought he was eating some but I found them tucked away in the no-spill snack bowl he was playing with. Granted, they were sort of grey, limp pasta lozenges so I can hardly blame him...but MY mac and cheese? Delicious. I have tried any number of things that I think he should like or that he used to like and nothing. Grrr. I had a serious lapse in good parenting when I tried to hand feed him a noodle. He handed it back to me and I threw it onto his tray like a petulant child. Luckily he was looking the other way. Sheesh.

I know, I know, he'll eat when he is hungry, but in the meantime, he will cry a lot and wake me up and make me crazy(er).

Meanwhile, Claire was having a super-sensitive day and spent at least half of it crying for no apparent reason. Including when we had to stop playing "Flying Defeat" (a lay-on-your-back-feet-up airplane game where she defeats me...over and over again) because it was time to eat. She was lying on top of me and started crying and saying I was squishing her. When I pointed out that she was on top of me with her elbow in my throat and had just smeared a boogie on me, she lifted her tear-stained face, actually smiled and said - But that's what mommies are for! (Ah yes, the glamorous life of the human tissue) Five minutes later, cue crying because I actually wanted her to sit down and eat dinner...You made me upset, Mama! Again: Grrr. At least she liked my mac and cheese.

On a positive note, I picked the perfect day to impulse-buy an oil can of Heineken.

1 comment:

Lora said...

jake stopped eating when he was about gavin's age. it was maddening, because i fed him the way you feed gavin. everything was healthy and wonderful and growth inducing and then nothing. it's normal, but it stinks.