Thursday, July 24, 2008

Getting Ducky With It

Our hillbilly vacation began with our drive to Ft. Worth on Saturday. Eventful mostly in that Gavin pooped out of his diaper and all over his car seat. (Consider this a not-so-subtle foreshadowing of future events...) We went to Dr. Suessical, The Musical on Saturday night. It was performed by kids who have been in musical theater camp this summer and they did a fantastic job. Very impressive. I had visions of Claire's debut dancing and singing through my head throughout the performance.

We arrived in Hot Springs later than planned on Sunday, but with the large crew of varying bathroom schedules, it was not surprising! In the van was Shane and Granny in the front, Claire and Gavin in the middle and Zoe and I in the back. Farrah's CRV was a kid-free zone. I can't even remember what that kind of peace must be like! The van was fun, but a bit chaotic.

Once we arrived at our condo (which is very nice) Granny and Shane went off to the grocery store while the rest of us got settled. We scoped out the soon-to-be construction zone for the quartz which is abundent in Arkansas. We also had a quick swim in the pool before dinner. (Gavin was already in bed.)

The following day, Shane had to do some homework so the rest of us went into Hot Springs and went on a Duck of those amphibious vehicles that toured around Hot Springs and across part of the lake. It was fun, but to be honest, I thought Hot Springs was going to be more scenic.

Here are some pics of the girls with their duck quackers. The funniest part of the tour for me was Claire matching the driver's "quack-quack" after every bad joke with a loud quack of her "quacker". I am not sure the other passengers enjoyed that as much as I did!
With our duck tickets we also had entry to the wax museum. We did the quickest run through of that place ever, as the wax figures scared Claire. Every day since, she has asked to go back, because says she is not scared anymore. I thought they were kind of scary too, so we won't be returning.
We also went to an old hotel, The Arlington, which was frequented by gangsters back in the '30's, and has Al Capone's bullet-proof car in their lobby. Claire and Gavin were suitably riveted. Claire liked the revolving door and rolling around the floor of the hotel. Gavin hung out in the Bjorn and was generally good.
Barely worth mentioning is our visit to the crappiest aquarium ever. It was like a fish store that charged admission. But, they did have a big tortoise wandering around that you could pet, so it was worth the $5.50.

Gavin enjoying the ride on Uncle Mo's lap:

Gavin enjoying the "quacker" the next morning.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

First Day "Off"

I took advantage of the kids still having a couple of days of school paid for to try to get some things done.

This is how I spent my day:
  • Got up at 7 with Gavin
  • Did a 10-minute yoga show while Gavin watched and laughed
  • Got Claire up and ready for school...breakfast, packed lunch etc.
  • Took Claire to her new school
  • Took Gavin to the old school
  • Drove to campus to drop off a donation of frozen breast milk
  • Went and had blood work done to make sure that donated breast milk is safe for the little preemies that need it
  • Drove back to this side of town to Honda to get oil change
  • Went to post office to pick up passport forms
  • Went to dentist to have teeth cleaned - no cavities...yay! (Although after the most recent tooth problem I had, a little cavity would be the least of my concerns!)
  • Go pick up Gavin
  • Go pick up Claire
  • Take Gavin to the doctor.
  • Claire claims to have a "nose stomach ache" in retaliation to Gavin going to Dr twice in one week
  • Go to Walgreens to drop off prescription for Gavin's ear infection
  • Also get antifungal for his ringworm
  • Also get polysporin for little rash on his mouth
  • Wonder why my kid has so many dermatological issues...doesn't bode well for his teen years.
  • While waiting for prescription, have passport photos of kids taken at the Walgreens photo Center.
  • Claire asks in loud voice if lady with super-short shorts, long bleached hair and high heels is Barbie.
  • Prescription ready finally and we're on our way.
  • Walgreens celebrates our departure
  • Put Gavin down for his 3pm nap at 4pm
  • Play monsters with Claire
  • Talk to Gummy and Babu
  • Panic about not being even close to ready to go on our week long vacation
  • Take shower while Claire plays in bathroom
  • Shane gets home to be told there's nothing for dinner and I am going out
  • Go to the homeowners association annual meeting until 8:30.
  • Put kids to bed
  • Go to HEB to buy yogurt to help Gavin's stomach
  • Watch SYTYCD and eat HEB sushi.
  • Now this.
It was a long day and I am going to bed now.

Since the last two posts have been about me I thought I better include some gratuitous photos since I know that's what anyone reading this really wants!

Good night!

Clarification... regards to my previous post. The people who know me best understand the conflict I feel about leaving work. My broad generalization was based on acquaintances, stuff I read and the odd been-staying-at-home-forever neighbor. I didn't want to sweep my nearest and dearest into that general observation.
All right. Later.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Last Day

Today was my last day at work. After 8 years at the same place, it still doesn't seem like I am really leaving...or have really left, as is now the case. In typical fashion, I left packing and finishing my good bye notes until the last minute and managed to be away from my desk at 5, so I hardly got to say an actual good bye to most of my team. As tight as I tried to make the ends, some are still loose, so I anticipate some kind of contracting/consulting role, at least for a little while.

I had a very nice farewell potluck with my team on Monday. People brought in some of the dishes they know I like (thank you, Jori!) and I took advantage of eating the things I never buy for myself...hello cheetos! (And good bye...since I won't be tempted at work, I don't know when we'll meet again, you fake cheezy crunchy, orangey, powdery bad choice of a snack you!) There was also a cake the size of my cubicle and some flowers. The group also gave me parting gifts...a 10-visit pass to Going Bananas and a Target gift card. So thoughtful!

One of our employees (who works for fun and not profit) treated Jori, Gracie and I to a manicure and pedicure which was so unexpected and a wonderful surprise. It was great to spend some time with Jori and Gracie away from the office (but during work!) but I felt a little dirty when I told them to make sure she hits bonus for the month!

Some of the upper-level managers had another going away gathering this afternoon and they gave me a $100 gift card to the salon at my fancy-pants gym. This on top of a farewell lunch out on Friday. I should have quit working every week of the past 8 spoiled I've been!

I managed to end the day frantically throwing things in boxes and crying and sending last minute faxes and trying to solve a huge email crisis. Dear me.

While it's seriously hard for me to believe, I know things at the office will limp along despite my not being there trying to control everything. I've left the team in good hands, and all I have to do is let go...

And now I just need to find my place in my new life. Work has been such a big part of my everyday, that not having it may feel uncomfortable for a while. (To say nothing of not having the paycheck!) Broad generalizations ahead: it feels like the moms who never went back to work have no idea why leaving is such a big deal to me, and the moms who are working typically say, "I could never be a stay-at-home mother!". Having worked and now going to stay home, I am somewhere in between. This issue seems so black and white for many people...I suppose it's because if you don't stand firmly behind your choice, perhaps there's room to consider that it may be the wrong one? There are many right choices, and I am excited to try this new one on for size. Hope it fits!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Not AAP Approved

I let Claire know this is not a safe way to play only after I got the photos!
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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


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Little Lamb with my little Lambie.

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Gavin "Takes" a Haircut

The sheet is carefully draped to protect the customer's clothes....

"Be still!"

Combing it out to make sure the length is right....

Another satisfied client!

No, Gavin didn't actually have his hair cut, Claire was playing barber. After she had two haircuts in one week (the second was a recovery effort from the disasterous first) and I guess she thought it was time that Gavin had one too.
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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Size Matters.

Which is better?


Or this?

Or maybe this?

Something about the font on my posts is bugging me. Please leave your preference in the comments. Maybe it's not the size, maybe I should try a new font. webdings. (webdings...does anyone know what webdings are actually for? Please enlighten the rest of us.)


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Originally this post was just going to be the picture, then I went through and looked at some of my other recent posts. In all of them Gavin is either naked or wearing this exact outfit. You see, we're trying to make a statement here. And that statement is that C is indeed for Cricket.

Rock A Bye Baby

Claire carried these rocks around all day today because they were her babies. (This despite that she has at least 58 stuffed animals and 24 baby dolls, most of which were still strewn about the house, regardless of the fact they were all but ignored in favor of these less cuddly but far more imaginative "babies".)

The two tiny pillows were not enough to make all of the babies comfortable, but the rabbit made a good pillow for the rest of them. Before long, they were all were stone-cold sleeping. haha.
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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Claire and Whitney Dancing

Some friends from work had a going away party for me. Shane and the kids stayed until about 9 and I stayed on until 1am. It was SO fun!

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Wild Things

This fun afternoon playing in the water ended in a rather dramatic way shortly after these pictures were taken: Gavin had an enormous poo in the bumbo chair and Claire fell over and got a fat lip. As far as we know, the toad is unscathed.
In the video, Claire is making plant soup for Gavin. Listen how she praises the merits of rosemary.