We had a great Christmas. Gummy was here for Gavin's birth and stayed right through the end of the month. Babu and Auntie Sarah drove from Florida together and arrived on the 17th.
I was still a little sore and tired from having Gavin, so it was great to be at home with everyone here. I had the house decorated before I went into the hospital with some finishing touches put into place afterwards, with Gummy's help.
Heidi came over and took a ton of family pictures. It is very difficult to get 7 people looking at the camera with eyes open and smiles in place. Gavin wasn't taking direction well, but Claire was very patient.
Christmas Eve, Kim came over as did Heidi and Dennis, Gibson, Sharon and Dennis's sister-in-law. It was a fun evening, followed by the requisite late-night, last-minute wrapping.
Leading up to Christmas, Claire was consistent in telling everyone that she wanted a pumpkin from Santa. Santa found out that pumpkins are hard to come by in December. Fortunately, group effort prevailed and she was not disappointed. She was very excited about Christmas Eve and Christmas, and it was so great because it was not about the gifts under the tree. She could see them and knew some were for her but was not whining to open them, nor did she get into the "I want this, I want that". One of her favorite things was wrapping up a present for Gummy. She was so excited about the wrapping job, that she really got into the spirit of giving and couldn't wait for Gummy to open the gift!
Christmas morning, after she had opened 4 or 5 gifts, she was content and we practically had to force her to open the rest of her gifts the next day. I am sure future Christmas Days will be much different! Even the way she says Santa right nowwill pass. It's really cute. I have it on video and will download.
The hardest part of such a great holiday - the anticipation of having everyone together and the enjoyment of our time - is that all too soon it comes to an end. I had a really hard time with it...darn those post-partum hormones. Where did the time go and where did my family go? I want everyone back.
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