I don't buy into the whole little-girl-as-princess thing, since it makes me think of - well, I can't really think of what it makes me think of, other than 'my super-sweet-sixteen' brattiness and fingernail polish and taking too long to get ready in the morning. For pre-school. I have never been a girly girl. I wouldn't classify Claire as a girly girl either. Except she is obsessed with princesses. I don't call her princess, I don't talk them up, I avoid watching Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty when I can because they are terrible (Sure, we have them, but sorry to all Disney purists, but really, try watching them again. They are not good.) I am not anti-princess per se, but I don't hype them with princess lunchboxes and princess shirts and princess swimsuits and princess forks and princess toilet paper, although i am totally guilty of buying princess fruit snacks, sugary little nuggets of not much (but they do have some vitamin C! I tell myself) But obsessed with princesses my little girl is. As are all her peers. I guess it is just a phase and it's romantic and there's dancing and everyone loves you and you're beautiful and you get to wear glass slippers and you live in a castle and there are usually horses...wait a second, I actually really like the sound of that whole princess gig! What have I been missing out on??
Anyway, today was Princess Day (really Prince and Princess Day but there are no boys in her class right now) at gymnastics. I told her that about 30 minutes before we had to leave and within seconds all the costumes were strewn about the place and she had her wings and crown on, and magic wand/sceptre in hand. On the way to class, she told me that the ugly stepsisters didn't think I was a handsome prince. Oh no? I said. "No. I think you are a handsome prince, but the ugly stepsisters probably think you are just a girl with flat hair who can't go to the ball." Fine. I don't care what those bitches think anyway. I mean, after all, they are ugly, so to hell with them. And my hair is rather flat...And I am a girl. Anyway.
I am not privvy to what goes on behind the glass at gymnastics, but the girls all seemed to have fun fun fun with this theme. Afterwards, Claire whispered in my ear that she got married to Mr. Jose, one of the instructors. I went over to him and said that I understood that he was my new son-in-law. He turned bright red (I think he may have thought I was accusing him of something) and talked about how they really got into the theme and there was also a wicked witch (natch) and Claire's wand was so great blah blah blah... I should have eased his pain and told him that Claire also gets married to me, to the dog, to her toys...she is not picky, nor is she entirely sure what getting married means...just that you get to dance and wear a cool dress and then you are married and live happily ever after. Ahhh, the fairytale.
Once we got home, it was only a matter of minutes before Gavin was wearing the wings. I wonder if he will go through a princess phase too. I am totally fine with that (Because fairies I like. hahah!), but I am not painting his fingernails until he's at least five.
(Totally not-quite-related: Blogger is telling me to check the spelling (or existence, I suppose) of the word brattiness. They suggest that maybe I meant fattiness. Really? Fattiness? Hmm. Who knew.)
1 comment:
Jake is into princesses too. He wants to be one. Not marry one
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