A friend of mine recently had a baby and another is going to have one in a few weeks. I enjoy their postings on Facebook, and also like reading what comments other people leave. The most frequent theme people are eager to share with these new or soon-to-be-moms is how quickly time goes by, and how before they know it, their kid will be 5 or 10 or 40. I do the same thing. I saw a 5-day old baby at the playground yesterday and remarked to his mom that it seems like only yesterday that Gavin was that small. And I look and listen to Claire and am constantly surprised and amazed that I have a 4.5 year old. And I will think the same thing when she is 7 (I can't even imagine that, but it will be here in the blink of an eye) and just growing growing growing up. And time just keeps goin going going by. Life does feel like it is on fast-forward sometimes and I don't want to miss a thing (thank you Aerosmith).
BUT! Some days last forever. Some days you wish your baby would just get all his damn teeth already and stop crying. Some days you wish that your house wasn't quite so strewn with toys, none of which seem quite right to play with for more than 45 seconds before pulling the next one out. Some days the insignificant frustrations feel bigger than the indescribable love you have for your kids. Today was one of those days. I hate it when I wish my time away, and wish that it was a school day or that it was still nap-time or that I still worked or they were bigger and able to play by themselves better, or smaller and sleeping more and aren't those FB-posters with their good advice so annoying. I hate it because I know in hindsight I will only want that time back, and won't be able to have it. Sigh. Reality has such a dampening effect on my ideals. Tomorrow I will be perfect and doting and gushy and mushy, but today...today I am glad it is bed-time.
But I didn't have to call poison control, so that's good. I am a great mom.
Is it acceptable that my house looks like this and I only have one kid that can't even crawl yet? Please say yes.
Yes! It is acceptable and expected!! Funny how those little tiny babies make such a big mess with all their stuff and the needing to be held and cuddled and loved...so much more important than cleaning! Most days I don't mind the mess and I actually laugh at how quickly the house can go from somewhat tidy (by my not-so-high standards - you remember my desk, right?) to destroyed in less than an hour!
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